Tuffy Charlotte Metro Helps You Decipher the Menu Board: Part 2
February 25, 2019
SC service centers have a menu board that lists the services they provide. Some Fort Mill drivers may not be familiar with all of the items on the board so here is a quick description of some of the typical services that might be listed.Tuffy Charlotte Metro fuel system cleaning: Over time, the ... More

Getting New Tires in Fort Mill?
February 17, 2019
There are so many tire choices in the Fort Mill area that selecting the right one can be a bit overwhelming for drivers. And even though it's kind of fun to have new tires on your vehicle, they're a significant investment for most Fort Mill area folks so you want do it right.Tip: talk with your f... More

Change Your Wiper Blades Twice Yearly at Tuffy Charlotte Metro
February 10, 2019
Because 90% of our driving decisions are based on visual information, unobscured vision is paramount. Which brings us to the topic of today's Tuffy Charlotte Metro article: wiper blades. While this isn't the most exciting automotive subject, it's important. You wouldn't drive at night in Fort Mil... More

Coolant/Antifreeze Service in Fort Mill, SC
February 3, 2019
Fort Mill auto owners may know that most automotive failures in Fort Mill, SC, are tire related, but do you know the second most common cause of vehicle failure? Nope, it's not teenagers. It is the coolant system. But if you take good care of your vehicle coolant system, it will take good care o... More