Beware Dangers of Spring Driving (Seasonal Driving Tips)
March 26, 2023
Sure, winter is quickly fading in the rearview mirror, but the peril of icy roads is replaced with a whole new set of driving challenges in spring. Deer and other wildlife. You are not the only one who gets spring fever. Animals do, too, and spring is the time they start looking for mates and fo... More

Tuffy Fort Mill Guide to Using the Correct Fluids in Your Vehicle
March 19, 2023
Today's Tuffy Fort Mill post focuses on using coolant. If you pour in the wrong kind, it won't protect the cooling system and may even void the warranty. Check your vehicle owner's manual. Of course, your Tuffy Fort Mill service advisor will know the proper coolant for your vehicle.Brake fluid ... More

Tire Rotation and Balancing at Tuffy Fort Mill in Fort Mill
March 12, 2023
Tires do a lot of work for Fort Mill drivers. They transfer engine power and braking forces to the road; they handle steering control; and they cushion all those bumps and jolts while driving around Fort Mill. They also support the entire weight of the vehicle, including you and your passengers.... More

Light Up your Life (Headlamp Replacement)
March 5, 2023
Did you know that having a burned out headlight can result in your rearview mirror reflecting some flashing lights? In other words, you might get pulled over by the police for only having one working headlight, because in most places it's against the law. Not only is it illegal to drive with one... More