The Importance of Fort Mill Drivers Following Service Intervals
May 31, 2017
Today in our Tuffy Charlotte Metro blog, we're going to talk about following recommended service intervals. Your vehicle isn't the only aspect of your life in Fort Mill with recommended intervals: Let's start with twice yearly dental check-ups and regular physical exams. How about laundry, water... More

Automobile Fluids For Your vehicle
May 23, 2017
If you've walked through the automotive fluids section of an auto parts store in Fort Mill, you'll know how overwhelming the sheer number of products available can be. How do you know what's right for your vehicle?As you know, these fluids all serve a function in making your car run as you drive... More

Winter Tires
May 15, 2017
What type of technology do you use? Do you prefer an 8-track tape or an iPod? When it comes to winter tires, much of Fort Mill driver's perception dates back to when 8-track was the best way to listen to the Bee Gees.Twenty years ago in SC, winter tires differed from highway tires only in their t... More

Tuffy Charlotte Metro Automotive Tips: Diagnostic Service
May 8, 2017
Imagine waking up one morning with a stomach ache. You pick up the phone, call the doctors office and say, Ive got a really bad tummy ache. How much will it cost to make me feel better? Of course you wouldnt do that. You know that there could be a lot of reasons for your symptoms and that the doc... More

New School: Automotive Tuffy Charlotte Metro Technician Training
May 2, 2017
Fort Mill consumers are demanding. We want a safe, reliable vehicle that handles well and is comfortable to ride in. Oh, and we want good fuel economy, too. We also want vehicle repairs that are cheap, fast and easy. Unfortunately, one usually comes at the cost of the other.Today's vehicles have ... More