Fuel Saving Tip: Auto Myths Around Fort Mill
November 25, 2018
With high fuel prices in Fort Mill, SC, comes lots of gas saving advice. Some of it, like what you hear on is great. When you get one of those e-mails that's going around telling you how to save gas, try to think it through.Does it really make sense? Does it defy the laws of physics?Do some re... More

Procrastination Prevention in Fort Mill
November 18, 2018
Every one of us has a little procrastinator inside us. Some put off getting our teeth cleaned. Others put off answering our emails. Yet others put off calling friends and family (sorry, Uncle Joe). And there are those of us who put off getting our vehicle's service done, whether it's a repair or ... More

Give me a Brake (Light)!
November 12, 2018
If that little brake warning light pops up on your dash, do you know what it means? Well, if you said no, you wouldn't be alone. You know it has something to do with your brakes, but exactly what? You're not sure. One of the reasons is that it could mean a lot of different things. It could be som... More

Does My Choice in Oil Affect Change Intervals?
November 5, 2018
Oil changes are probably the most recognized service on a vehicle. Almost all Fort Mill residents know about them. But do we know enough?Several decades ago, oil changes were fairly standard: every three months or 3,000 miles or 5,000 kilometers. But recent advances in both engine technology and... More